
Good Bye VPN, Hello ZTNA!

Zero Trust Network Access isn’t exactly the new kid on the block, but it it starting to gain a lot more prominanace, having run different implementations of VPN over the years both at home and in studio and with it these days being more important than ever, I decided to take a bit of a […]

Proxmox Notifications and You!

Once I had the Proxmox server setup, and basic backups running to my NFS share that I had setup for the inital migration, I figured getting email notifications running would be a handy thing.  I would at the very least know when my backups had completed and in what state. This was pretty straight forward, [...]

Almost a new year…

Time for a new site! What to do, what to do. Post about things that interest me I suppose! Mini painting, scratch building, game dev, VFX, IT, photography, Warhammer, gaming, you know stuff!