Author Posts

Good Bye VPN, Hello ZTNA!

Zero Trust Network Access isn’t exactly the new kid on the block, but it it starting to gain a lot more prominanace, having run different implementations of VPN over the years both at home and in studio and with it these days being more important than ever, I decided to take a bit of a […]

Frames to Video Automation

I often render out frames when doing a little 3D work, whether it be for an example of something for a test or a turn around, and then need to convert it to a video file for sharing out, either to collegues or the socials. For the longest time I was just cutting and pasting […]

Create Asset Directory Tree

As I’ve got some free time on my hands, and I’ve been meaning to get a lot more proficient at coding and not just scripting the odd time I need it, I figured now is as good a time as any to do that. So with a list of small projects in hand, and working […]

Zabbix Infrastructure Monitoring

Having changed a bunch of my homelab infrastructure from VMWare over to Proxmox, and depriciating my old VPN and moving over to a ZTNA solution with Twingate, I needed to put some monitoring in place. I’m a big fan of PRTG, its free up to 100 probes, but it runs on Windows. Normally this isn’t […]

Proxmox Notifications and You!

Once I had the Proxmox server setup, and basic backups running to my NFS share that I had setup for the inital migration, I figured getting email notifications running would be a handy thing.  I would at the very least know when my backups had completed and in what state. This was pretty straight forward, [...]

To Proxmox, and Beyond!

With Broadcoms acquisition of VMWare, and the subsequent killing of the free EXSi license, not to mention where licensing costs look like they are being driven too with also killing off the perpetual licenses and forcing everyone into a subscription model I felt it was time to start looking at some alternatives. Using the free [...]

Skin Weights with ngSkinTools

Basic concept using this tool is structuring things in layers. The layers will preserve what is under them, just like working in something like photoshop. Masks will allow you to set your blends between the layers, and you can adjust your bones/influence you select and edit the influence within your layers. Easy peasy after a […]

Advanced Skeleton Rigging Tool

My quick notes for using Advanced Skeleton, this greatly sped up my rigging learning process and setup. Can even easily change up and use existing rigs from auto riggers to apply to different models. Still need to flesh this out a little more with some examples and screen shots, but wanted to get my notes […]

Learning to Rig!

Just some notes I took while going over basics for setting up a basic rig so I could work on fixing up some auto generated rigs from Mixamo for some quick prototyping in Unreal and mocap that I captured with Move One and Rokoko. I need to add some screen caps into to make the […]

Break Waters

Another from the day trip to Brighton, waves crashing on one of the jetty’s. A fine 15C+ day in the middle of October! Global warming has it’s perks I guess? But the south of the UK is pretty temperate to begin with. Made the move from Vancouver where it was also pretty nice all year […]