First Milestone In The Bag!
I got through the final push for my milestone and completed the basic animation tasks I had in front of me. Things were pretty chaotic and buggy at the end, but the game runs, and I was able to build on both platforms I’m currently developing on; Mac OS and Windows, so I was pretty content and happy with myself. Especially as I finished my targets on time, and with the basic level of functionality I wanted in place.
It did take me a little longer than I anticipated though as I worked through figuring out HOW I needed to get things working. I needed to figure out the blue prints for the animation, the blend spaces, how to tie all that together. Then as you’ll see in the videos, getting the AI to work, and follow which gave me some more problems, and reminds me that I should write up some notes on what I did there before I forget, which I probably already have 🙂

The enemy pawns, still have some significant fixes that need to go in place, they aren’t rotating to look at the character pawn, they are floating as well above the floor. All in do time though, the important part is they DO move and follow the character pawn. In M2 I’ll address the main issues first.
For M2 the plan is to get a basic website up and running, along with some temp promo art. The dev blog will remain here though. Fix the bugs that are currently present at least the glaring ones. Get some audio in, a basic menu system, and combat. If there is time, some basic FX work once again would be a nice stretch goal, but right now I’m thinking that stuff will be more for M3. The above will probably take me long enough to get going.
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