Random Bitties

Break Waters

Another from the day trip to Brighton, waves crashing on one of the jetty’s. A fine 15C+ day in the middle of October! Global warming has it’s perks I guess? But the south of the UK is pretty temperate to begin with. Made the move from Vancouver where it was also pretty nice all year […]


Needed to do some street photography for a weekly challenge I do for 52Frames. Wandered the Embankment during the evening snapping random things and people my an old 50mm prime lens that I have. Big challenege with the lens is it can only manual focus on my Z6 so you either need to get lucky […]

Gary the Spider

It is spider season, damn things are everywhere! I hate spiders a lot, but I didn’t need to get near this guy, I just used my 200-500mm lens and stayed well away! They make for a nice photo and I suppose keep the bugs down, but that’s as far as it goes, and pics from […]

Caw Caw!

Another 50-200mm DX on the Z6, this time wandering around Brighton for the day. Managed to get tickets for 2 return cheaper than taking a couple tube rides in London! So might as well go explore! Loads of gulls hovering over the Palace Pier looking for chips to steal from unsuspecting tourists. Managed to get […]


Not really much to say, just out wandering with my 50-200mm DX lens on the Z6 and stumbled across a fox guarding a dumpster as they are want to do here in London. This post is nothing really special, other than to get a little test filler going, and hey, look a City Fox!

Touring Nunhead Cemetery

Bit of a slow weekend, but it was also a dry day on Sunday after the UK getting a months worth of rain in about 36 hours from Storm Babet, so I decided to go out and get some pics at the local Magnificent Seven Cemetery, Nunhead Cemetery. I wanted to play around with some […]

Almost a new year…

Time for a new site! What to do, what to do. Post about things that interest me I suppose! Mini painting, scratch building, game dev, VFX, IT, photography, Warhammer, gaming, you know stuff!