Jon Parkins

What do, I do, or better yet, what don't I do!

Lots, professionally my main stay is IT Support and Management within the entertainment industy. I’ve worked in TV and film as well as game development. Not just limited to IT though, I’ve done VFX work on a couple features, and the show Supernatural for Warner Bros. Lighting on episodic TV earlier in my career and currently tech art in game development with Unreal at the studio I currently work for (as well as remotely managing all things IT!)

Outside of the professional stuff, in my spare time, when I have it! I like to wander around taking pictures, scuplt, attempt to draw, paint mini’s, and play games both of the digital and table top variety!

This site will mostly feature all the above randomness in some fashion or another!


Jon Parkins

What do, I do, or better yet, what don't I do!

Lots, professionally my main stay is IT Support and Management within the entertainment industy. I’ve worked in TV and film as well as game development. Not just limited to IT though, I’ve done VFX work on a couple features, and the show Supernatural for Warner Bros. Lighting on episodic TV earlier in my career and currently tech art in game development with Unreal at the studio I currently work for (as well as remotely managing all things IT!)

Outside of the professional stuff, in my spare time, when I have it! I like to wander around taking pictures, scuplt, attempt to draw, paint mini’s, and play games both of the digital and table top variety!

This site will mostly feature all the above randomness in some fashion or another!

Latest Flickr Posts!


Latest From The Blog

Random art, photography and tech posts, and an upcoming dev blog for a small game I'm going to start working on, one day...

Random Posts

Almost a new year…

Time for a new site! What to do, what to do. Post about things that interest me I suppose! Mini painting, scratch building, game dev, VFX, IT, photography, Warhammer, gaming, you know stuff!...

Tech Art Posts

Tech Posts

Dev Posts

Portfolio Features

My Latest Works

Clearly just demo material currently, but I don't want to clear this section until I figure out the theme I'm using a little better.